To analyze the effect of wearing a red tinted contact lens ( the X Chrom lens) for chromatic discrimination in red green color blindness. Lack of the chlorolabe pigment in the retinal cone cells results in inability to discriminate green colors, or deuteranopia. 目的:探讨红绿色盲患者戴色盲角膜接触镜后辨色力的改变状况和色盲角膜接触镜的实用性。在视网膜锥形细胞中缺乏感绿色素,便导致了对绿色辩别无力或绿色盲。
Using immunocytochemical and whole cell recording techniques, we examined expression of glycine receptors on bullfrog retinal cone photoreceptors. 本工作运用免疫细胞化学和全细胞膜片钳技术,研究了甘氨酸受体在牛蛙视网膜视锥细胞上的表达。
The high density of retinal cone cells at the central fovea provide the basis of sensitive central visual acuity, which relates to the individual variation and development. 中央凹极高视锥细胞密度为提供敏锐中心视力的基础,其极大的个体差异与发育有关。
In 90-130 mW group, the retinal structure was integrated, but the cone and rod cells became swollen and condensed nuclei and cytoplasmic vacuolization were seen in the inner nuclear layer. 90~130mW组视网膜结构完整,视锥、视杆细胞肿胀,内颗粒层可见少量的固缩核和细胞浆空泡化。
CONCLUSION: The study shows the retinal function of cone and ( or) bipolar cells decreased in high myopic eyes. 结论:高度近视眼的视网膜功能变化表现为视锥细胞和/或双极细胞功能下降。
Visual electrophysiological properties of a retinal cone cell degeneration rat 视网膜锥体细胞退行性变大鼠的视觉电生理学观察
Model of cone continuous distribution is based on the facts that the density of cone is very high in fovea and that with the increase of the eccentricity of retinal cone cell the density decreases rapidly. 视锥细胞连续分布模型依据在中央区视锥细胞的密度非常高,随着视网膜的离心度的增加视锥细胞的密度快速的减少的特性而建立。
Retinal tissue structural integrity, RGC neatly arranged, in the plexiform layer were more evenly; core and outer layer of cells with a neat; cone rod arranged neatly. 3. 视网膜组织结构完整,RGC排列整齐,内丛状层染色较均匀,内核层和外核层细胞排列较整齐,视锥视杆排列整齐。